Hey, does this Data taste funny?

Creative Commons License
Hey, does this Data taste funny? by Andrew Leahy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

IMG_20140312_121336eResearch was invited to be part of the higher degree research (HDR) student orientation session this week. It was great to see all those keen & passionate minds about to set out on an epic journey!

We were slotted after Janette’s talk about Ethics approvals which was all about understanding and managing risk, this made an easy segue into risk about data.

At which point a USB key – figuratively loaded with 3 years of research data an almost completed thesis and spiked with a small amount of potassium permanganate – was unceremoniously dropped into a beer glass… ooooopppps!

So, Data Management. We know it’s deadly boring, but it’ll make you cry if you don’t get it right. Please think about it as you start planning your research.

The eResearch Data Management and Technology Planning page is a good place to start.

UWS students, refer to your green HDR handbook, page 47, and if you have any IT related questions please check the UWS MyITPortal.

Good Luck!